"To build and destroy...only you decide which joy." - Last Crack

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Yet Another Terri Schiavo Post

The Terri Schiavo case seems to be all we hear about these days so I thought I would make my own comments about it.

Terri has been in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years now. She's not making any progress and she will never recover. I understand her parents don't want to give up hope, but come on people it's been 15 years! Terri's parents claim that she has spoken to them. I'm sorry, but her brain is as useless as a tit on a shovel and holds no cognitive thought whatsoever. They would have as much success convincing me that their spice rack was telling them new recipes for meatloaf.

More than feeling bad for Terri I feel bad for her family and husband who have endured countless years of litigation and watched their "family" relationship crumble. They are the ones that will continue to suffer long after this ordeal is over.

What I find really frustrating is that what I feel is more of a personal family issue has been blown way out of proportion by the media. Even The President decided to stick his nose in the situation and signed a bill, passed by Congress, to have the case reviewed by a Federal Judge.

A couple of facts to consider:

* Michael Schiavo was appointed Terri's guardian in 1990.
* Bob and Mary Schindler have tried to remove Michael as Terri's guardian and also filed for divorce on their daughter's behalf, but both requests have been denied.
* This is the third time Terri's feeding tube has been removed. Amid legal battles raging since 2000 the tube has been reinserted twice.
* This case has been rejected appeals 9 times by different court systems (3 of the denials came from the U.S. Supreme Court).

The short version is Michael Schiavo (Terri's legal guardian) requested to have her feeding tube removed and the courts ultimately agree with his decision.

I think we should respect the court's decision and move on. The important thing to remember when dealing with a persistent vegetative state is that the subject has no consciousness whatsoever. This means there are no cognitive thoughts or feelings of pain, only reflexive actions which may sometimes be misinterpreted as "communication". We aren't keeping Terri alive by reinserting her feeding tube, we are only keeping an empty shell alive...Terri has been dead for 15 years.

Perhaps Terri's family and husband will finally get some type of closure in this and be able to remember they still have a life outside of this 15-year limbo.


Blogger neonangel said...

Thanks for responding Jeff! I'll do my best to address your points.

When I said "Terri has been dead for 15 years," what I was trying to get across is the fact that the person known as Terri Schiavo has long since ceased to exist. She will never again be the person that she once was. She is sadly only an empty shell now.

And the argument of simply letting her parents take legal guardianship of her is definitely a valid point. I suppose the reason Michael Schiavo has not chose this option is because he feels he has some promise to fulfill to Terri. According to Michael, she did not want to be kept alive this way and since he is her legal court-appointed guardian he is trying to keep her wish. If he did relent custody to her parents then she would go on "living" against her alleged wishes.

The whole situation is quite unfortunate and there seems to be a lot of gray area where the public is concerned, but so far courts have issued denial after denial and I would like to think they have a better understanding of the legal situation than I do.

2:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right Wing News has a good TS FAQ. It's about as objective as it gets:


Personally, I can't decide if it's that Michael honestly cares about Terry's wishes, or he's just THAT embittered toward his in-laws.

3:48 PM

Blogger neonangel said...

Thanks for the link Harvey. That was a very informative post, most of which I had pieced together from various stories, but it's nice to have it all in one place.
As far as Michael goes here's my opinion:
1. He believes he was doing the right thing for Terri's sake.
2. He can't stand the Schindlers.
3. He has been bombarded with criticism and negative comments about his actions to the point he has become so detached it's hard to get a definitive "read" on how he feels now.
I'd say "relief" would be a good start though.

7:32 PM


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