"To build and destroy...only you decide which joy." - Last Crack

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Are We Ever Gonna Be Okay?

So a Cessna airplane puts the nation's capitol in chaos yesterday. It turned out to be absolutely nothing, but at the time it was enough to empty the White House, the U.S. Capitol, the Supreme Court and other federal buildings (for some reason NOT the Pentagon) of nearly 30,000 people. One thing is for certain, if I was the student pilot that was riding with this supposed "trainer" I would ask for my money back since he obviously doesn't know how to use a radio or understand the concept of "restricted airspace".

I think it is nearly impossible for any American citizen to forget September 11, but are we ever going to get over it? Will there come a time when we see an airplane in the sky and don't think "Dear God, I wonder what building it's going to fly into?", or "That plane looks awfully low, I hope it hasn't been hijacked".

We are a nation ruled by fear and it will ultimately destroy us.

The reason I say this is once we stop trusting anyone then everyone becomes a potential terrorist. The constant media bombardment of "bad news" is just depressing. I honestly start to wonder if there is anything good left in the world today, and if there is would the mainstream media even report it? We are surrounded by murderous, molesting, deranged, celebrity terrorists...unforunately we can't manage to find or convict any of them. Our legal system has become so politcally correct and muddled in double-talk we can't even see the whorehouse for the whores anymore.

For one moment can't we stop trying to fix the problems with the rest of the world and concentrate on our own before we self-destruct?

Oh yeah, can we watch something uplifting in the news for once other than details about car bomb #91 in Iraq. Yes, we fucking know there was another one, enough already!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, for some of us it's taken a long time to get to a place where we can find the good, amidst tight security measures, false evacuations, and noisy anti-terrorist choppers that circle the sky from 8:00am through 8:00pm. I see it in the faces of the little children I do volunteer work with during the week. I see it in demeanor of those who have managed, having been unscathed by the 9-11 tragedy, to continue with a life that was briefly interrupted by a senseless act.

And then there's me, the grateful New Yorker who is all too aware of the sacrifices our men and women in uniform are making, so that the battlefront is no longer at ground zero but where the conflict originated from. I am grateful that through their hard, yet imperfect work, I and countless others in cities across this beautiful land, people like me can finally get to sleep without having to wonder if tomorrow will be the day.

I no longer think that. Instead I am focused on living to the fullest each day I am given, for I'm now living a life not just for me, but also for my friends who died that day. But I'm one of the lucky ones...my blogging has helped me get there much quicker than others.


11:02 PM


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