"To build and destroy...only you decide which joy." - Last Crack

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

One of Those Days...

You know it's a slow day when your news choices are:

44-year old stale crackers found in a Cold War bunker under the Brooklyn Bridge.

President Bush's Press Conference, which sounds suspiciously like a repeat of his last five speeches.

And a video of a cat falling 80-foot from a tree branch (psst - they finally realized it wasn't a real news story and took it off the site).

On days like these I like to visit a comic strip web-site called The Order of the Stick, which is based on D&D inspired characters. Yes, I'll agree it's an extremely geeky, guilty pleasure, but I find it quite humorous. Creator, Rich Burlew, has about 295 entries for the comic strip spanning over a few years. You will encounter some moments of RPG (roleplaying game) related humor, but for the most part you should be able to relate to and enjoy it just fine.

So be sure and check it out. It will certainly be more interesting than today's shortage of *news.

*News should be defined as "something that is interesting and affects a large group of people". It can also (and more accurately) be defined as "something that has been infrequent since the late '90s".


Blogger Ga Mongrel said...

Ha, thanks! It's a riot.

6:54 PM


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